It is now time to become a member or to renew your membership

Your yearly membership to the Association ends soon? Then, it is time to renew it. If you have already paid your membership, thank you. You will nonetheless find below a few information that is also useful for new members.

Your membership is important not only for you to benefit from the Association’s services, but also to bring awareness to the general public and governments about TS. We need to raise that number of members through the next few years and are happy to count you as part of the big Association’s family.

Our services

  • Help line
  • Support groups in many areas throughout Québec (en français on dit «partout» au Québec, je trouve plus prudent de dire «dans plusieurs régions» du Québec
  • Camps (for youth and families)
  • Trainings
  • Conferences and workshops
  • A directory of resources on TS
  • Respite for parents and children
  • «Samedi de m’amuser», activities for children

The association provides tax receipts, and members of the Tourette Friends Club benefit from a 32.53% tax credit if the annual donation is less than $200, and 53% the donation is $200 and more. (pourquoi «en 2017»?)

CRA organization number: 886482397 RR0001 

Benefits for our members

A membership gives you access to special prices and activities that are for members only. Please note that, to participate to family activities, you need to choose the family membership.

Benefits for our members

  • Free access to support groups (membership cards mandatory)
  • «Info-SGT» magazine (French only)
  • Directory of resources on TS
  • Participation to the associative life

Activities for members only

  • Family camps
  • Winter and summer activities
  • Respite weekends


Special costs

  • trainings
  • conferences and workshops
  • documentation

Make a donation by mail

Association québécoise
du syndrome de la Tourette
7070, boulevard Perras
Montréal (Québec) H1E 1A4

Online donation

Donate Now

THANK YOU for helping us!